Thursday 10 March 2016

(Based on interactions on 4th March, 2016)

It began with a soft music.. 

And then followed by interactions.. Several queries came up in the discussion 

What to concentrate on? 

God or parents - On whom to concentrate?

What is the most important value that you look for in a human being?

Monday 29 February 2016

(Based on interactions on 27th February, 2016)

It was a wonderful experience to begin it again !!! After three long years.. !!!!

The response was pleasing..

It began with a soft music..

And then followed by interactions.. interactions in follow up with the feedback from the gathering on 25th May, 2013.. there were 3 absentees that day who were present and was proud to share their respective goals or resolution of their life..

Sakaldeep - To serve our nation in best way

Kuldeep - To develop new technical products useful for society

Sudhir - To be a good person like my parents or my brother

Several experiences were shared by the author and the other present.. The author feels that coming open interactions in successive meetings will surely fill the inner self with a deeper insight towards one's own happiness.. 

Sunday 6 April 2014

Wednesday 18 September 2013

"Teach yourselves, teach everyone his real nature, call upon the sleeping soul and see how it awakes. Power will come, glory will come, goodness will come, purity will come, and everything that is excellent will come when this sleeping soul is roused to self-conscious activity."

"They alone live who live for others, the rest are more dead than alive."

The above statements were made by one of the greatest souls whose words when digested strengthened the mind and body of innumerable human beings all over the world. The words poured out of his love for the human race. Swami Vivekananda. 

The month of September is a remarkable month in Indian calendar as it is this month where Swami Vivekananda started making mother India proud through his series of enlightening speeches. It was on 11th September 1893 through his beginning words (Sisters and Brothers) he made it clear that he comes from the very corner of our hearts - as if it is the language of the heart. And it took no time for ladies and gentlemen over the world to gather round him to listen to him.

In our gathering on 13th September, we tried to contribute our feelings, our salutations to this great soul of Mother India. We began with a devotional song written on Swami Vivekananda. 

Swami Vivekananda Vandana (meaning prayer) (Murta Maheshwara)  

                Link to the song:: Murta Maheshwara  

               The lyrics of the devotional song and an english translation of the song can be obtained here

Then we went through the opening address of Swami Vivekananda and two other speeches delivered on 17th (why we disagree; Link) and 23rd (concluding speech) of September. Two simple examples from the two speeches were enough to carry out the discussion for the remaining time of the day. 

But why Vivekananda? What do we get in recalling his words??  
          Had there been a youth icon that can represent India better? Any doubt can only be clarified by reading and following his words very closely. 


Tuesday 10 September 2013

Sacrifice of mother

 Refugee Mothers: Stories of Sacrifice and Love                                                 
Mothers are known for doing anything for their children. Jamila Abdulle’s story is an example of how true that sentiment is amongst refugee mothers.
In 2009, Jamila had to walk 1,200 kilometers to another country, while carrying her sick child in her arms in hopes of seeking medical attention. She made the journey from Mogadishu, Somalia to Kampala, Uganda to save her then 5-year-old daughter, Sagal. Sagal was born with a hole in her heart and was in desperate need of medical attention which was nowhere to be found in the war-torn area the family called home.

So Jamila made the difficult decision to leave behind her husband and seven other children to seek help. She joined a traveling group of men, elderly women and children and physically carried Sagal the entire way to Kampala for 21 days. Jamila even helped a pregnant woman in the group deliver along the way, using the knowledge she received from a nursing training program she had gone through. Sadly, Sagal’s condition grew worse along the treacherous journey.

Fortunately Jamila met another Somali family in a refugee camp in Kampala who referred her to a hospital run by the United Nations. From there, arrangements were made to send Jamila and Sagal to Phoenix through the International Rescue Committee in September 2011. Upon arriving, Sagal received open-heart surgery and is much healthier now. Sagal can now run and play with the other children in her neighborhood.

Challenges still lie ahead for Jamila in her new home. She has gotten by so far on assistance from the IRC and lives in Chandler with two Somali friends she became friends with upon after her arrival. The IRC is providing Jamila with critical employment services including vocational training and job applications. Despite those obstacles, Jamila has much to be hopeful for in Phoenix. She is happy her daughter is healing and says her favorite part of being a mother is “the beauty of being with my kids.”

April Chiu and Rud Moe are two student volunteers with Community Outreach and Advocacy for Refugees (COAR) at Arizona State University who met Jamila in October 2011 and can attest to her determined and passionate spirit. The IRC partners with COAR to provide newly arrived refugees with mentors who help them learn English and become familiar with American culture.

April said Jamila has done an exceptional job in caring for not only herself, but her daughter as well. “Both Jamila and Sagal are extremely intelligent, independent, and positive individuals. They are very compassionate and are very hospitable whenever my partner and I visit them in their home,” she said. “They are also very eager to learn new things, especially the English language. I feel that despite the language barrier we've been able to connect with Jamila and Sagal and are very fond of them.”
“Even though learning another language from scratch is a daunting task, Jamila has kept with it consistently. She is very sharp and pragmatic about her situation as a new immigrant.” Rud said.

Jamila hopes the rest of her family will join her in Phoenix as soon as possible. With the help of the IRC Jamila wants to learn English, find employment and eventually buy her own home.  What ultimately gives her strength she said is her desire to complete her nursing training so she can have more opportunities. No matter what it takes, Jamila is willing to go above and beyond for her family and that’s what makes her a woman to celebrate.

Sunday 25 August 2013

Our happiness lies in the happiness of our parents..

[ Posted based on interactions on .............................. by ...............................]

It very often happens that we become a part of the busy and careless world and we observe and hear everything that is available in the outside world. But we forget listening to the heart. We forget that love and affection is the basic requirement with which you can conquer the world.. Parents do not take anything from that while they help us grow.. but do we do the same thing when they need us? Interacting with them with a smile on your face, caring for them, .....

Here is a small video which nicely reminds us or warns us of our responsibilities..   our happiness...


Or you can go to the link::  FATHER AND SON


Came across another short poem surfed by one of the students (Karan) which is given below

But we never forget that we come from our mother's womb :)


This tragedy is created by Irene Torejas Sajulga.For this you can also visit to the link